I love to meet my couple before their wedding day, and possibly do a two hours photoshoot in a place they like.
To meet your photographer the wedding day is a bit intimidating, people need to feel comfortable to give their best during the special day.
Here below few images of Giorgia & Nic in Portofino, Santa MArgherita and Sestri Levante.
Couple in Santa MArgherita Ligure, GenovaLovely couple walking on the Villa
I am sharing with you my first wedding abroad as a photographer.
I felt excited and happy to document a Greek wedding, it is a fantastic mix of rituals and customs.
The most emotional and touching moment for me was the "Allamata". Musicians play and sing sweet melancholic music and I have to admit that few tears drop from my eyes.
The bride’s parents, maid of honor (koumbara), and close friends wrap a red scarf around the bride's waist and head to symbolize her virginity.
Just before the bride puts her shoes on she is writing the names of her single girlfriends under her shoes, the last name remaining on the soil at the end of the day will be the next girl to get married.
Now it is time to meet the groom that impatiently waiting at the doorstep of the church.
The musicians and the bride's family accompany her to the church with the wedding song melody. we all went down the hill to meet the groom that was waiting in front of the church with the beautiful pink bougainvillea bouquet
While we are walking towards the church
During the Ceremony
on the table, there is: bread, a glass whit red wine and almond covered with white sugar symbol of purity, the almond’s egg shape represents fertility, and the almond’s hardness personifies the endurance of the marriage. The sweet sugar then suggests the sweetness of married life.
One of the most recognizable traditions of a Greek wedding is the marital crowns or Stefana. These are two beautiful pieces made from flowers, foliage, or precious metals, and joined together by a strand of ribbon. The crows are swapped back and forth by the koumbaro three times and the couple wear them as they walk around the altar three times to represent their journey through life together.
I hope this blog will help assist you whether you are already in full swing with your wedding plans or at the beginning or even near the end.
Planning a wedding can be undoubtedly overwhelming, from choosing your vendors, theme, wedding party to even managing your guest invitations! There is so much involvement and almost too much choice out there, and on top of that, a lot of opinionated voices telling you how it should be done.
Well, stress no more, I am here to answer your questions as I can help you with some directives, a recommended list of professional suppliers to assist you with your mission!
You may have had to sadly postpone your wedding due to the global pandemic but don’t worry or fear if it does not happen this year you can always use this extra time to re-look at your wedding plans and take time to go through all the details.
Here I am sharing with you some of my backstage images which I hope will inspire you and see my style and technique throughout the photos.
These photos were taken for a black tie wedding shoot last year and this project was directed by planning expert, Sharon Valentine, the founder of Valentine weddings UK
The Black-tie shoot was one of two unique themes which took place at the stunning grade II listed Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich, London.
Sharon had planned for two different themes to be photographed by me on the one day. This project certainly kept me on my toes. I think I must have shot at least 1000 images!
The day was most enjoyable, and we had a terrific team. The Black-tie shoot was stunning and as you can see the models also wore black and gold masks to fit with the signature colours of gold, white and black.
Sharon was a perfect planner. I am not joking. She worked closely with the team keeping everyone focussed throughout the day and achieving the timeline. She made a brilliant inspirational mood board which I had input and pulled together a large team of suppliers (20) in such a short period of time with amazing results.
If you are looking for a wedding planner who can help you achieve an affordable luxury wedding, I could not recommend Sharon enough. She brings with her the knowledge, passion, and background skills in cost management. She really cares about saving her clients time and money and connecting them with the right suppliers that fit with their style and personality.
Have you said, ‘yes to the dress’ ? Found your dream venue, professional photographer, makeup artist or florist? Well if you have not here is a list of the fabulous suppliers from this wonderful wedding shoot! I would love to hear your feedback. Why not send me a comment below?
Good luck with your planning.
Wedding Planner_ Sharon Valentine www.valentineweddings.co.uk
Trafalgar Tavern: @trafalgartaverngreenwich www.trafalgartavern.co.uk
Federica Photography: @federicamarte
Harley Flowers: @harleys_flowers
Jade - Hair & Makeup: @jadewalkermakeuphair
Angels & Gypsies - Venue Stylist: @angels_and_gypsies
Male model - Boho Shoot 1: @nistroi007
Female model - Boho Shoot 1: @olyaravasio
Male model - Black tie Shoot 2: @emiliosantanall
Female model - Black Tie Shoot 2: @emmawhiteman
Dresses: @gillianrobertsbridal
Honey V & Tiaras - Hair accessories: @honeyvtiaras
Danielle Cakes: @bespokebakes
Adrienne Shoes: @adrienne.shoes
Model Shoot 1&2 - Pageboy
Scott Bramley - Pianist: scottbramleypiano (facebook)
Doggie - model Scamps & Chaperone : @scampsandchamps
Emma Paperdoll - Stationery @emmapaperdoll
Moss Bros Eltham - Suits @mossbros
Sono ormai passate 3 settimane da quando insieme al mio compagno abbiamo iniziato il nostro auto-isolamento qui a North Harrow -Londra.
Sperando di contribuire in parte alla sconfitta di questo virus noi stiamo a casa, usciamo solo qui vicino per una mezza ora d'Aria al giorno visto che ancora qui ci è permesso farlo e una volta a settimana facciamo la spesa necessaria.
Come posso rendermi utile oltre ad osservare le regole suggerite dal nostro governo, per coloro che come me sono confinati all'interno delle proprie abitazioni?
Devo ringraziare Eleonora per avermi fatto riflettere sull'importanza di scrivere questo blog per far sentire la mia voce .
Vi chiedo di diffondere ad un amico il link di questo Blog, affinché ognuno di voi possa dire qualcosa, rimanendo uniti possiamo andare andare e solo cosi ne usciremo più forti di prima.
Più che mai nella nostra vita in questo momento abbiamo il " tempo " di riflettere e mettere in pratica quel progetto o sogno messo nel cassetto che in mancanza di tempo non abbiamo mai realizzato. Ecco! questo è il momento giusto per farlo, abbiamo molte risorse online che possono aiutarci.
Quale è la cosa che ti fa più felice, ovviamente cerca di pensare a qualcosa di semplice che puoi fare a casa.
COSA Ti RENDE FELICE? Per me svegliarmi la mattina con un caffe ed un buon dolce fatto in casa con pochi grassi e ingredienti sani mi fa alzare bene la mattina ed avere una routine da seguire mi fa sentire più produttiva .
CONCLUSIONE_I wish I can inspire your days during this " Stay At Home " time, not just to keep you busy doing things, how to use your ability to make something new that make you happy something that you had no time or passion to make it before.
Let's start with "What make Me/You happy? "
-Start my day with a home made cake, like my mum used to do and still does, a sort of healthy one make me Happy :), how about you?
I always look for healthy recipe with less sugar and no refined flour but I end up to be disappointed about the outcome, so I have decided to make my own recipe and after 3 weeks of modifications and adjustments I finally found the right one.
I have done this banana cake reducing sugar to almost half of the dose and using spelt flour instead the white flour, olive oil instead of butter and milk to make it moister .
Thanks to an accurate planning by @Valentina Galli we managed to create an elopement in Tuscany where I met here for the first time a fantastic team of vendors that I wish we can work together in the future.
We all wish to inspire your wedding here below you will find the name of our lovely supplier :
Models : Mary & Simone Fabrizi
Tableware : @noloparty
Dress @gabriellasposa
Stationary @giulialazzarini_
Catering & wedding cake banqueting@novellecousine
Venue @molinosantantimo
Photographer @federicamarte
Flowers @happyflowers_tuscany
Instagram: @gaiaferroforgiato
whether if you are with your children or with a group of friend it will be a pleasure to spend few hours inside this building.
It is just next to the V&A so you can do both in the same day.
I will include the V&A in my next post, don't miss it.
It will take you all day but if you do't have a full day to spend in here just plan a 2-3 hours visit just the building itself deserve a visit.
Good MONDAY to every one.
I would like to share with you a portrait I did this weekend of Zidan.
His long dark beard and his clothes inspire me to stop by and ask him a quick snap shot.
He was standing outside the barber shop smoking a cigaret and I asked him few questions than I had to start my job.
I knew that I did not have enough time so i needed to be quick as often people get bored after few minutes.
I did not have much time to frame the composition including the entire shop as I wanted but I did my best to include at least the Sign ("Turkish Barbers").
I love the barber shop in London they have a distinct style especially the one in Shoreditch.
S. is one of my favourite quarter famous for the colourful graffiti, for his vintage shops and stalls full of quirky things.
Well eventually I took roughly 15 images and I chose just 4 for this blog .
Enjoy my post hope to see you next week to show you a different area of London.
Please do leave a comment I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Bye for now